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Download SDS Buy Now Product Support Kelato Stockists Supports the horse during and after exercise. Helps to improve stamina and support recovery by reducing muscle soreness and fatigue. What is MuscleGUARD? MuscleGUARD provides amino acids, vitamins and potent antioxidants that have a role in maintaining normal muscle and nerve function during and after intense exercise. Supplementation with MuscleGUARD before and after the event can help provide relief from acute muscle soreness and fatigue associated with strenuous exercise. How does MuscleGUARD work? AMINO ACIDS L-Carnitine Low-intensity exercise: Uses oxygen to fuel the energy production process. Glycogen conversion to energy is minimal – carnitine helps to sustain the glycogen reservoir for a longer period. High-intensity exercise (sprint): Not enough oxygen is inhaled to be used as fuel, so other energy sources power the muscles. High levels of carnitine in the muscle prior to exercise enable higher work output for less energy expenditure. Carnitine ingestion can load the muscles with glycogen. Reservoir of carnitine in the muscles ensures all energy sources, such as fatty acids, are used BEFORE glycogen stores are used. The delay in glycogen depletion delays lactic acid production. L-Carnosine Present in very high concentrations in equine skeletal muscle fast-twitch fibres, where it aids in buffering the lactic acid produced during glycolysis (breakdown of glucose). L-Cysteine L-Cysteine is a sulphur-containing amino acid and an important structural and function component of proteins and enzymes. Contributes to the formation of one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body – glutathione. Arginine Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide, which is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps the blood vessels to relax and improves circulation. Dimethylglycine (DMG) Helps increase oxygen uptake in the bloodstream